Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains Upgrade

Posted by Bapak on Monday, October 10, 2011

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Microsoft Great Plains upgrade, customization redesign, placing back into Microsoft Dynamics annual improvement programs, customized version of the audit reports, agility and VBA / Modifier custom logic upgrade

When you're out-of-the-box non-modified version of Microsoft Dynamics GP Great Plains 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 or 9.0 upgrade is pretty straight forward process, Dynamics GP Utilities to do the job. However, this ideal case is rare, real customers have Microsoft Dexterity customization, ReportWriter change reports, modify Great Plains forms (Modifier with VBA scripts), Crystal Reports, SQL stored procedures - all of these changes to a professional consultant to analyze, upgrade, and even and redesigned. Let's look at the technical highlights:

on the Microsoft skills. Great Plains Dexterity customization have been introduced in earlier 1990th Since then a whole range of Great Plains clients depends on these changes. Platform was initially aimed at ensuring the independence of the database (s Dexterity cursors - it worked with Btrieve / Pervasive SQL, Ctree and MS SQL Server 6.5). In 2004, Microsoft Business Solutions has ceased support for other DB platforms other than Microsoft SQL Server 2000/7.0. This fact makes a Dexterity cursors rather slow and less efficient, but the bulk logic SQL select and update izvjeĆĄtaja.Druga typical Dexterity customization upgrade issue alternative forms.

o ReportWriter reports. Microsoft Dynamics GP upgrade guidelines list, which should recustomized, or change from zero. Our experience shows that in most cases we can "upgrade" These statements are free of "ruin" the analysis of changes Obstacles functions, introduced in the new version.

o VBA modifier. These mods are likely candidates to be redesigned based on new technologies: eConnect, Microsoft Visual Studio.Net, or even skill. VBA is not. NET technology

Please, give us a call: Alba Spectrum Group: 1-866-528-0577, Brazil: 55-11-3444-4949, Skype: albaspectrum

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